martes, 16 de febrero de 2010

"JJ" Jareau

JJ graduated from East Allegheny High School near Pittsburgh, PA, where she was the captain of the varsity soccer team her senior year and earned an athletic scholarship to the University of Pittsburgh. In Season One, she and Reid went on a date to a Washington Redskins game, but nothing has come of it romantically. In Season Two, when she and Reid split up the night of Reid's abduction (2x15), JJ walked into a dark barn and was attacked by several ferocious dogs, which she shot and killed. This had a great effect on her emotionally but has not come up since then. She also ended up shooting Jason Clark Battle - the man who had shot Garcia (3x09) - in the head, subsequently making him the first human she ever had to shoot.

Fun Facts:

· Is the team's liaison with local FBI branches and police agencies.

· Her favorite football team is the Washington Redskins.

· She used to collect butterflies as a child.

· She is afraid of the woods.

· She picks the cases that the team goes on.

· She excels at playing darts.

· She grew up in or near East Allegheny, Pennsylvania. (In a town "too small for even a bowling alley")

· She played varsity soccer and was team captain.

· 2x09 is the first time we saw her draw her gun. 2x15 is the first time that she wore a bulletproof vest.

· When she picks cases that the team works on, where there are victims around her own age, it affects her emotionally. The cases she doesn't pick also haunt her - she is aware that said cases may continue and more people may die.

· Is dating William LaMontagne, Jr., a Police Detective from New Orleans. Together they had a baby, Henry, and named Reid and Garcia his godparents.

· According to the season 2 DVD JJ is a Supervisory Special Agent - A certificate is shown on the special feature entitled "Profilers, Profiled" and on the chapter about JJ the certificate gives her the title of Supervisory Special Agent Jennifer Jareau.

· Knows how to play Gin, and has beaten Reid on several occasions.

· Has an Aunt and Nieces.

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